The Story Of Ivan Lim, founder of Green Banana
This week, we spoke to Ivan Lim of Green Banana to find what goes on in his world of 'bananas', his startup stories and what the future lies for this amazing plant sanctuary maker.

How about a little introduction of yourself and tell us what you do ?
I ‘m from the creative background. Used to work in the advertising and graphic industry for more than 10 years. I had the opportunity to work around the region ( KL & SG ) as well as starting out a design branding firm in China. Decided to come back so that i can be closer to my family and friends.

How about a little introduction of yourself and tell us what you do ?
I ‘m from the creative background. Used to work in the advertising and graphic industry for more than 10 years. I had the opportunity to work around the region ( KL & SG ) as well as starting out a design branding firm in China. Decided to come back so that i can be closer to my family and friends.
What were you doing before Green Banana ?
I was working in a digital marketing firm as an art director. I involved with some interesting web and UI design.

I was working in a digital marketing firm as an art director. I involved with some interesting web and UI design.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself.
I don’t like strict rules and regulations. I realise my creative juice flows better without any restrictions.
I don’t like strict rules and regulations. I realise my creative juice flows better without any restrictions.
We heard you have recently left your previous job and decided to pursue Green Banana full time ? How is that coming along ?
It is always a dream to start my own brand. I see some positive feedback since the launch of Green Banana’s terrariums. I ‘m inspired to come out with more design for a better living. Let’s see how far i can go without a mundane 9-5 working routine.

It is always a dream to start my own brand. I see some positive feedback since the launch of Green Banana’s terrariums. I ‘m inspired to come out with more design for a better living. Let’s see how far i can go without a mundane 9-5 working routine.

How did you come up with the name Green Banana ?
The idea of evolving with “ Banana” came across when i was writing my design/lifestyle blog “ Going Banana” . I like the idea when one get intrigued by beautiful designs and go gaga over it like a monkey getting a banana. Hence, putting a “Green” label in front of it will inherit the original gist.
Where do you draw your inspiration from ?
I think inspirations come from everywhere around us. I like to explore various structure from nature forms as well as man-made architecture.

I think inspirations come from everywhere around us. I like to explore various structure from nature forms as well as man-made architecture.

Anything new and interesting you are working on right now ?
I ‘m working on a new line which is inspired by the plants, terrarium & structural forms. It is called Tripot. The name speaks for itself: A planter pot on a tripod. This time around, some unique rare plants will be introduced alongside with some edgy landscaping arrangement. It will be launched in the coming events at the end of Jan.

I ‘m working on a new line which is inspired by the plants, terrarium & structural forms. It is called Tripot. The name speaks for itself: A planter pot on a tripod. This time around, some unique rare plants will be introduced alongside with some edgy landscaping arrangement. It will be launched in the coming events at the end of Jan.

The best part of the Green Banana journey so far is ...
The best part of Green Banana journey is to see happy smily people who care about plants and willing to spare out their time to know more about it.

The best part of Green Banana journey is to see happy smily people who care about plants and willing to spare out their time to know more about it.

[Photo credits : Green Banana]